"We attract an avant-garde clientele -- thrill seekers, risk takers," owner Jon Basso told the Los Angeles Times. He said his restaurant is a "bad for you but fun" restaurant that "attracts people who don't really take good care of their health."
Is this a place where you would want to go because I know I would not! The Heart Attack Grill is a restaurant that acts like a hospital and "laughs" at doctor's orders to eat healthy. All of the waitresses dress as nurses in skin tight uniforms and the owner dresses as a cardiologist (stethoscope and all). The people eating at the restaurant are considered patients. On the menu there is "Flatliner fries cooked in lard, shakes made with pure cream, and four flavors of "bypass" burgers, as in single, double, triple or quadruple bypass."
The Quadruple Bypass Burger tops 10,000 calories sometimes. Basso (the owner) said the Guinness World Records book called him on Friday to say that the burger was being crowned the most caloric sandwich on Earth! The most shocking fact is that the restaurant offers free food to people weighing over 350 pounds. Basically, they are directly contributing to obesity!! If a person is able to finish one of their quadruple bypass burgers, they get wheeled out of the restaurant in a wheel chair by one of the waitress "nurses." The problem is, is that many people are getting wheeled out by real nurses when they end up having heart attacks from this food. Many people ask Basso if he is worried about getting sued for sending people to the hospital from his food. He has replied by saying, ""Unlike cigarettes, I have had warnings labels since Day 1 when we opened in 2005 telling people how bad our food is for you. I think that skirts any liability we might have." He is working to get rid of anorexia and sobriety, and says he really does not worry about liability issues.
Questions: What do you think about this restaurant? Would you ever go? Do you think this is a good way to solve anorexia? Do you think this is encouraging obesity (child and adult)?
Lynch, Rene. Heart Attack Grill strikes again?
Owner calls diners 'risk-takers'. 23 April 2012. 26 April 2012 <http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-heart-attack-grill-20120423,0,2915767.story>.
Printfection. Heart Attack Grill. 2012. 26 April 2012